
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2021

Movies: Best Director-Genre-Movie

I don't know much about the wide universe of Cinema. But, such as a person from this time, there's something I know about it. I think that one of my favourite movies is 'The Shawshank Redemption'. Because it talks about a topic I appreciate as the best: The systematic injustice turning fairer. And maybe more important than that, the social phenomenon of the punishment, regarding the prison. The story tells us about a man who was supposed to commit a pasional crime against his wife, which he was always innocent of. Apart from it, there's a kind of fraud, carried out by the head sheriff of the prison. There is a background of this movie that makes me appreciate it as one of the best I've ever seen, mostly because of its end. On the other hand, about my favourite genre, I think it's: 'psychological horror'. Mainly because I love to feel the kind of emotion this genre evocates, especially when it has visual impact. The world can be really ugly, and

Best Holidays ever! - Carretera austral

There are a lot of beautiful places all around the world, and maybe I will visit some of them. But if there is something I appreciate about my travels at the moment, it is to have known part of the "Carretera Austral" here in Chile. I think that just the fact of that place existing here in my Country it's something I am grateful for. And in the summer season in the beginning of 2018, one of my dreams was accomplished. We went with my father and my brother, and with the same goal of trying to be as long as we can in the pure forest and mountains, visiting some towns just to get some provisions to survive the ten days we got. First of all, we arrived in Puerto Montt after a whole day of travel. And after one night staying at a hostel, we took our staff, and early in the morning, started our adventure. We were at Hornopirén National national park, where we walked through the wonders of the trees in the middle of the woods; we stayed there in a tent, a little far from th

Japan: The country I'd love to visit

There are so many countries to know all around the world, but if I should choose one, it would definitely be Japan. Probably it’s the first option for any anime lover, but for me it is more than that. First of all, I would love to taste their food; it is so different for any chilean guy, with so much diversity and ability behind their origin, and of course, I love seafood and that's another motivation. Another inspiration I think, it's the fact of their culture, totally different from ours; I’d love to see for my own their traditions, architecture and so particular cultural phenomena, regarding their social worry; reflected in their strict social rules. Ohh..apart from their language; I’d love to listen and try to understand a little bit of it, meanwhile I get around their most emblematic city: Tokyo. I think it is really fascinating the hard fact that the location of Japan it´s like the farest place we can be as chileans, where, at the same time, you would probably feel the d