Movies: Best Director-Genre-Movie

I don't know much about the wide universe of Cinema. But, such as a person from this time, there's something I know about it. I think that one of my favourite movies is 'The Shawshank Redemption'. Because it talks about a topic I appreciate as the best: The systematic injustice turning fairer. And maybe more important than that, the social phenomenon of the punishment, regarding the prison. The story tells us about a man who was supposed to commit a pasional crime against his wife, which he was always innocent of. Apart from it, there's a kind of fraud, carried out by the head sheriff of the prison. There is a background of this movie that makes me appreciate it as one of the best I've ever seen, mostly because of its end.
On the other hand, about my favourite genre, I think it's: 'psychological horror'. Mainly because I love to feel the kind of emotion this genre evocates, especially when it has visual impact. The world can be really ugly, and this type of movie shows us some of the possible scenarios we can be evolve in. It's not a way to feel psychosis, but it is to be like: ayyy. Movies like 'Midsomar', '911 Call o emergency', 'Split', 'Sweet Revenge', are some examples I like of this genre. By last, I think the unique director I know more than one movie is the well known Tarantino. And I don't know why, but I generally like his style: Cause it's in some way related to the genre above, and it includes time jumps, good effects, and well structured plots. 'Inglorious Bastards', 'Pulp Fiction', 'Reservoir Dog', 'Django' and 'Kill Bill'; I just love all of them.


  1. Midsommar was a movie that blew my mind -in a good way haha-. It's true, the world could be really ugly and maybe it's better know this than ignore it...

  2. I never heared about "The Shawshank Redemption", it's seems like a really good movie, I'm going to make a time to watch it, thank you very much for you review!

  3. I think that the grate thing about Tarantino is that he is a master of entertainment, and that is a very important part of cinema on my view, it's not a "pure" art. Great director and greater writer.

  4. The Tarantino movie's are so funny with the action and the bloody scenes, my favorite is Resevoir Dogs

  5. I am not a big fan of the psychological horror genre, I can not deal with so much tension. although I am very curious about the movie Midsommar.

  6. I think that the movie you summarized is very interesting, I just added it to my wish-list haha ​​even though I'm not a fan of watching movies

  7. Midsommar it's an incredible movie and I loved the story :)


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