Japan: The country I'd love to visit

There are so many countries to know all around the world, but if I should choose one, it would definitely be Japan. Probably it’s the first option for any anime lover, but for me it is more than that. First of all, I would love to taste their food; it is so different for any chilean guy, with so much diversity and ability behind their origin, and of course, I love seafood and that's another motivation. Another inspiration I think, it's the fact of their culture, totally different from ours; I’d love to see for my own their traditions, architecture and so particular cultural phenomena, regarding their social worry; reflected in their strict social rules. Ohh..apart from their language; I’d love to listen and try to understand a little bit of it, meanwhile I get around their most emblematic city: Tokyo. I think it is really fascinating the hard fact that the location of Japan it´s like the farest place we can be as chileans, where, at the same time, you would probably feel the deepest cultural shock. As an example, they have like twenty words just to say they feel sorry, changing depending on the specific situation and the context; this last one it’s so determinate, that they have like five levels of formality in their language. Apart from the fact that they have three different alphabets. I don´t know you guys, but that's something that calls my attention really hard. I think I just love to be there as a tourist, because it is so different in so many levels, that I would feel a foreigner in its maximum level, and that's something I’d love to live just for a while. And you, Which country would you like to visit?


  1. Japan is such an awesome and interesting place to visit, especially because of the cultural shock, I think it could be intriguing to experience. I just feel so worried about their particular cultural phenomena, as you mentioned before...

  2. Tokyo is a city full of lights, it should be nice to see what it's like at night :)
    And obviously the anime things uwu

  3. I would love to visit Japan too!, I wrote about that in my blog as well, but I didn't mention about their language which is really rich and I personally love the pronunciation of the words, sadly I can't neither speak it nor understand it haha. Hope you can visit it someday!

  4. That´s cool, I had no idea that words change according to their context and that they have 3 alphabets, I´m not a real fan of anime but I love naruto...

  5. I love that one of your motivations is to go for food, I feel totally identified.
    I’ve always thought that Japanese architecture is beautiful. I love your choice!

  6. I think is a good choice. I wish to go to Japan too, it's wonderful. I hope you one day can visit that country and try that food. Have a good week :)

  7. ME TOO! The japanese culture and history are really amazing and, if you think, go there give you the posibility to see a lot of beautiful places wich we all met in animes jeje thats is a really good reason to go there, I think.

  8. Me too, when I saw animes movies I fell in love with landscapes and culture, only there are very sexist jajaja, but it is nothing to stop you from going there


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