Best Holidays ever! - Carretera austral

There are a lot of beautiful places all around the world, and maybe I will visit some of them. But if there is something I appreciate about my travels at the moment, it is to have known part of the "Carretera Austral" here in Chile. I think that just the fact of that place existing here in my Country it's something I am grateful for. And in the summer season in the beginning of 2018, one of my dreams was accomplished. We went with my father and my brother, and with the same goal of trying to be as long as we can in the pure forest and mountains, visiting some towns just to get some provisions to survive the ten days we got.
First of all, we arrived in Puerto Montt after a whole day of travel. And after one night staying at a hostel, we took our staff, and early in the morning, started our adventure. We were at Hornopirén National national park, where we walked through the wonders of the trees in the middle of the woods; we stayed there in a tent, a little far from the official camping zone; it was awesome. After that, and necessarily crossing parts of see and lakes (I'm not pretty sure)by some kind of 'ship for cars', we were to as many national parks and reserves as we could: Pumalin, Queulat, and other paths, not necessarily part of official parks, but we achieved our main objective: been in the pure nature. We get to a town called 'La Junta', and then we started to return to the north. It was the best travel for me, because of my love to the forest, wet and rainy weathers, and all those places where you can see a lot of the colour green, in it's natural way. Mainly the southern native woods are definitely my favourite place and kind of landscape in the world, or at least Chile.
*Here is a picture taken by myself.


  1. Wow, such a great place to visit! I would like to take a travel by the Carretera Austral too, I'm in a group about travelers for the south of Chile and I've heard a lot of good experiences and see a lot of beautiful landscapes too!

  2. I think that this landscapes are some of the most beautiful of the wolrd. I also picked the south of Chile, just not that far south. I would really like to make that same trip.

  3. That trip sounds amazing. I would love to do that same tour.
    Thank you for sharing your experience with us!!

  4. the stars must have looked fantastic!
    the "nalcas" in your last photo, in my house are eaten as salad hahaha

  5. Hi Fernando <3 I think Carretera Austral is one more important places we have to go if we live in Chile. Your trip sound amazing and I hope you soon can make a travel like this again

  6. What a beautiful place is the "Carretera Austral", I've heard wonder things about its nature, landscapes, weather, etc. It is a good place to go to and know!

  7. I have always wish to travel the carretera austral by bicycle, with your post i just have the feeling that I must do it , It might be an extraordinary experience for me :)


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