My career and its Implication

When I had to choose one option between the whole spectrum of pathways, related to careers, it was difficult to me, but I always knew that my area was the humanist topic. Nevertheless, I didn't have too clear the specific option. History was my second option, but Anthropology finally was my first one, and as I could be admitted in the 'University of Chile', I took a risk and accepted, from that time, "my choose fate". For me was one of the most passionate topic the one related to the human being and its cultural sphere, because, in some way, it covers many of the areas I'm interested in, like history, social scientific questions and terms, and even philosophy, in a way. And the cultural aspect it's one of the most interesting ones, in the sense of being so incorporated and naturalized in the people , and probably in the whole different cultures, who do not necessarily realize that it's just a social construct and not a truth in itself, namely, beyond the cultural dimension. It's really interesting to get involved in different realities and ways to understand life and social interaction, and in that manner realize that there are many cultures, and with them, no one is neither perfect, nor better.
The only bad thing related to Anthropology is that there is a little laboral field, and it's not well paid, in many cases, and to live from it requires a lot of years studying, and hopefully, to get more than one degree. But, even when the career it's not as valued as it should, is the only one I can study, and I would couldn´t be in another one.


  1. Same here, I couldn't be in another one either...

  2. If there is something that I enjoyed of my anthropology course (I'm studiyng sociology), was that destuction of the "truth itself" that you name.

  3. Although I am in a humanistic career, I cannot say the same as you, because I don't like humanities, I prefer biology and chemistry.

  4. I love your vision of anthropology, your mind will be rich in knowledge, I congratulate you

  5. your interest in anthropology its very honorable, and it is always possible to combine knowledge with history!

  6. wow, I don't know much about anthropology but I find the way you see it super interesting, especially as a history lover.

  7. I share your point of view about anthropology, a career that contributes a lot to this society to expand its knowledge.

  8. I really like that aspect of anthropology: knowing and understanding reality -mostly- in field work, is exactly what i want to do in the future.

  9. I find very interesting and relevant what anthropology contributes to the world.


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