Blog 9 - Changes to my study programme

I have been just one year and a half studying in my career, so I think there are lots of things I don't know yet about Anthropology according to 'universidad de Chile', but, nevertheless, I have some comments already. Regarding the subjects I have studied, most of them have been to my liking, and the ones which are not, beyond my liking with it's topics, I think have been necessary. But, something I would change, it would be the workload, because university it's always so overwhelming and it work that way, with pressure, but in a manner that several times you must discard some texts or topics and to prioritize some of the total topics included in the career's curriculum, because there are too many and there is very little time to cover it all. The length of my career I think it's fine, maybe one more year to lighten the academic load, mut beyond that it's ok.- On the other hand, the building the university has are good, but the infrastructure I think could be better, specifically the rooms in facso; there are too little to the whole class, to begin, and if wouldn't be because of the big auditoriums, there would be an important flaw in that sense.- The use of technology it's fine; I appreciate u-cursos and the facilities that provide, like access to the bibliography, grades, among others. And of course, a little bit more tech it's never bad, like a digital board or some stuff like that. And by last, regarding teaching methods, I think it must include a little bit more practical things, because there is too much theory with just a few or none examples in real life, so it turns a little difficult to relate the academy ideas with specific cases.


  1. How lucky you were to know the university. And if I agree with you that there are times when you have to prioritize some texts or topics due to the academic load.

  2. I support your final comment! Lack of practices and in all areas! It is taught in the career in a very theoretical way. Good luck!

  3. Thanks god for the "aularios"! I agree, the classrooms at FACSO weren't really great, and they were really cold too... I still miss them anyway.

  4. I think the point you make about the academic load is very important, since it becomes non-pedagogical at one point, when it has students with strong stress.

  5. I also think that FACSO does not have a good infrastructure, above all, considering that the University of Chile provides other faculties with much better facilities.


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