My future Job

Well, As I'm already studying at the university, I have already thought more or less what kind of job I would like to have. Social anthropology it's my topic, and I would love to have the chance to work on that in a foundation, public or private, that makes me dedicated to deal with sociocultural issues related, as possible, with environmental problems. So, that's one major I would like to specialize in, and it's incredible the fact that anthropology is so wide; everything that it's related in some way to humanity, can be addressed by anthropology, especially it's social branch. I have heard that there are some anthropologists who face problems related to pollution, like in some specific communities or populations that have or generate some kind of rubbish dump, and they try to find out the sociocultural root of that situation, seeing the dynamics of the community, and definitely, the social way in which a group of people generates a trash dump.- This is an example of a social anthropology job that deal with an environmental issue, but there must be a lot more examples and ways to apply this kind of anthropology, like analyzing ecological communities, or indegenous ones, here more related to see their dynamic and/or relation with their surrounding nature; in times of ecological crisis, there must be awesome to understand other ways to implicate with nature, different from western culture.
My kind of job must be half and half, between outdoor and indoor; the field job it's a way to work in anthropology, when you collect all the information being at the place where the group you'll analize live. And after that, there is also the moment when you must organize and then analyze the whole spectrum of information and any kind of data collected in the field, related, of course, to the addressed group; this is the part when I could be on my desk thinking about what I'm dealing with.
Thinking a little bit about dreaming, it would be awesome to travel a lot while I'm doing my job, analyzing groups of people all over, at least, the "hispanic" world. The fact that the labor field it's somewhat limited, I would accept any amount of payment, mainly at the beginning. But, dreaming again, it would be awesome to earn as much money as I could


  1. Who wouldn't like to earn a lot of money haha but I think that the main thing is our happiness and I think that traveling doing what you like should be unique.

  2. It Is very important to reflect about our existence and his repercussions on the environment...

  3. It's visible that you really like your career, and you're passionate about it, I hope you can achieve all of your goals!

  4. It is very interesting what is done from social anthropology, I did not know much about the area, and above all, its contribution to environmental conflicts.


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