
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2021

Blog 9 - Changes to my study programme

I have been just one year and a half studying in my career, so I think there are lots of things I don't know yet about Anthropology according to 'universidad de Chile', but, nevertheless, I have some comments already. Regarding the subjects I have studied, most of them have been to my liking, and the ones which are not, beyond my liking with it's topics, I think have been necessary. But, something I would change, it would be the workload, because university it's always so overwhelming and it work that way, with pressure, but in a manner that several times you must discard some texts or topics and to prioritize some of the total topics included in the career's curriculum, because there are too many and there is very little time to cover it all. The length of my career I think it's fine, maybe one more year to lighten the academic load, mut beyond that it's ok.- On the other hand, the building the university has are good, but the infrastructure I think co

Southern Highway (CArretera Austral)

If there is a place I really love, and I never get bored visiting it, it's the 'Carretera Austral'. On the one hand, I love that kind of landscape; the abundant forests and that green that surrounds you, the rains, the glaciers and the little towns..that kind of experience I would love to live every day..so, next summer holidays, I wish I could go there. Being there, I would like to visit different kinds of places, and get there in a special way. First of all, go by car with my closest relatives would be amazing; my mom, my brother, my maternal grandparents and aunt..Although, not with the sole purpose of getting there, but traveling without any rush, and, having enough money, stopping and even staying wherever we want; visiting beaches, national parks and/or reserves, like Truful Truful and/or 'Saltos de Petrohue', and maybe some towns or cities like Valdivia, Puerto Montt, among others. Already being on the 'Carretera Austral', I would love to rent a c

Free Topic Blog: World Crisis

When I think about something I can freely talk about, the relevant problems on a global scale come to my mind. We all know, I guess, about global warming and the extreme levels of pollution in a lot of ways that our planet is passing through. But, like the topic it's so obvious in some way, and, on the other hand, threatens and judges our way of life, in the deep sense of the word; the problem and the topic in itself, deriving from the above, it's turning into a cliche, in some level, downplaying this issue and accentuating the threats, dangers, and the scope of this problem. One thing we can do, it's to think about our daily actions, and how to incorporate some practices to it, as a manner of doing something to collaborate that at least contributes as a grain of sand, but helps. Typical things like recycle, do some ecological bricks filling plastic bottles with non-recyclable plastic packagings, do some compost, reducing the water consumption with short showers; those kin

Post Graduate Studies

As I´am practically starting my career, It's quite visionary to think about a postgraduate study, apart from that I feel I can barely face my current career; just one thing at a time. But that must not be a limiting. So, I can dream a little bit and think about my future study. As a master or postgraduate if you want, I would like to study something related to environmental issues, like the relation between humanity and the environment, or in anthropological words, the relationship between culture and nature. I Know maybe it's quite a general, non specific topic, but well, anything close to that subject. One of the most important reasons it's the little laboral field in anthropology; if you get an extra degree, your chances to have any job related to your speciality it's much better. So, thinking more as this would be a reality, trying to materialize it, maybe, it would be awesome to study abroad; to know a different culture, reality, and to get new fortifying exper