Free Topic Blog: World Crisis

When I think about something I can freely talk about, the relevant problems on a global scale come to my mind. We all know, I guess, about global warming and the extreme levels of pollution in a lot of ways that our planet is passing through. But, like the topic it's so obvious in some way, and, on the other hand, threatens and judges our way of life, in the deep sense of the word; the problem and the topic in itself, deriving from the above, it's turning into a cliche, in some level, downplaying this issue and accentuating the threats, dangers, and the scope of this problem. One thing we can do, it's to think about our daily actions, and how to incorporate some practices to it, as a manner of doing something to collaborate that at least contributes as a grain of sand, but helps. Typical things like recycle, do some ecological bricks filling plastic bottles with non-recyclable plastic packagings, do some compost, reducing the water consumption with short showers; those kinds of things are the key to support more to the change, with practices that help, than stay there with the same actions that are more part of the problem; or to be complaining and lamenting without doing anything pragmatic, even if it's something minimal.
This problem has a really deep root; the forms of production of the things we all use, are the most harmful staff to the Earth; the fossil fuel extraction, the extractivism, plastics of all kind, and, in a sense, the consumer society as the most widespread way of living; the culture that things that human being manipulate and it's at the top of a conceptual pyramid we create ourselves. That's the real problem, but, all the changes have an origin from dissent and different ways of living, thinking, and doing things to survive that start as part of a minority in front of a majority; a hegemonic way of living and understanding the world...change it's not an option.


  1. In my house we only recycle plastic and glass, in a week too much recycling is collected, if all the people in the world did this, there would really be some changes!

  2. I agree with you. The environmental problem it's not an individual or a domestic issue, it's related with the economic system itself.

  3. I recently read that it's a capitalist mentality to blame ourselves for everything, regarding climate change I think the same, while they blame us for taking 5-minute showers or buying too much, nobody tells companies anything...

  4. Here in Valparaíso there are not as many recycling points as in Santiago. But I think it is something fundamental.


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