Post Graduate Studies

As I´am practically starting my career, It's quite visionary to think about a postgraduate study, apart from that I feel I can barely face my current career; just one thing at a time. But that must not be a limiting. So, I can dream a little bit and think about my future study. As a master or postgraduate if you want, I would like to study something related to environmental issues, like the relation between humanity and the environment, or in anthropological words, the relationship between culture and nature. I Know maybe it's quite a general, non specific topic, but well, anything close to that subject.
One of the most important reasons it's the little laboral field in anthropology; if you get an extra degree, your chances to have any job related to your speciality it's much better. So, thinking more as this would be a reality, trying to materialize it, maybe, it would be awesome to study abroad; to know a different culture, reality, and to get new fortifying experiences. It could be in a country which speaks in english, just if I practiced a lot before, and improve my english. But, another option, would be an hispanic country, here in latinamerica or in Spain.
By last, the way I would like to study a postgraduate course would be as a part-time course; that kind of schedule would be nice to have time to do other things, maybe work or spend my free time doing some recreational activities. And of course, it must be in a face-to-face way. I'm really stressed by studying the whole day surrounded by the four walls of my bedroom.


  1. These days a post graduate degree it's almost an absolute requirement for social science workers, so it's good that you are already thinking about it!

  2. The climate change is a really important topic, we need more people like you, I feel that we are not doing enough and it is going to be our last chance to make things right.

  3. I am very interested in issues related to the environment, once I heard that we do not get anything in wishing for a better future if we do not take care of having a healthy world to develop it.

  4. I think climate change is a fundamental issue. The problems that we are facing and that will continue to arise are directly related to this.


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