English Language Challenges

I really like to learn english so, the experience of this course has been interesting for me. It would be amazing to incorporate more vocabulary and talk more fluid, but, being in the university is a bit complicated to learn in a good way, because a language is a universe, and you must focus on that world to get inmerse of it, and so you can really speak english, and for that, I think is even necessary to be in a country which speaks in english; nevertheless you can acquire a lot of familiarity with english by internet and this kind of instances. The blogs, on the other hand, have been good exercises to improve my drafting and learn on my own some things about grammar and vocabulary, with the help of 'word reference', of course. In addition, to be doing blogs every week has been a little bit exhausting, because it is not easy; but to learn and stay in practice is the good part of the above.
I need to improve a lot of aspects in my english, like my limited vocabulary, above all regarding some words that are used all the time; must be more word sets to express the same. Besides, there are a lot of words, most of them nouns, that you must be in a certain situation to use, and because of that I think it's a good idea to play being in certain contexts, like cooking, or an office, a university class, inter alia.-; one of the only things I have on hand to respond to the above it's to watch series and tv in general in english; try to listen carefully to learn something, and if I don't understand some expression look for it. Besides, I used to read some news in english, apart from advice and information from instagram accounts; ah, and of course listen to music it’s also a good way to get familiar with the language.
The only active use of english for me is reading some texts in other courses of my career; anthropological readings are in english several times. But I am hopeful to learn more in the future, and maybe travel abroad to live the experience of needing the language everywhere.


  1. I agree with you, although it is a bit tedious to do it every week and the academic load, it was not very pleasant, however, the topics were interesting.

  2. In the social sciences it helps a lot to know English, many journals and papers are in English. Knowing that language opens a door to learn about new topics.

  3. You are not the only one, I also found it a bit tedious, despite everything it was a good experience.

  4. I share the presence of English in the race, many of the anthropology texts are in English and their translations into Spanish are quite bad. Hopefully in the future more texts will also be made in Spanish, but for now forced to learn English XD

  5. For me it was also somewhat tedious, because my semester was full of other evaluations at the same time. At least I feel like I made a lot of progress.


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